
Saturday, July 30, 2011

New Design

Wow! I'm so excited to share with everyone the updates I've made to the blog. I hate to admit it, but I received Photoshop Elements 6 as a gift from my hubs nearly three years ago. I even purchased two amazing classes from Jessica Sprague to learn how to use the program: Photo Editing: Good-to-Great Workflow and Up & Running With Photoshop - Beginning Digital Scrapbooking.

Sadly, I haven't gone through these self-paced classes yet. So, when I started this blog and I knew I wanted to do some customization, I was a bit disappointed in myself. But, what does any modern, resourceful girl do? I googled how to make a header for Blogger. I found an amazing tutorial on a blog called The Background Fairy! The header you see now is a result of that tutorial and some amazing digital scrapbook kits from Britt-ish Designs. Now that I've accomplished this, I'm so excited to take those Jessica Sprague classes and really learn! This is just one of the things I'm going to do with all of my free time once this final semester is over (SIX more weeks! SQUEE!)

That's it. I'm kinda proud and I wanted to share. Let me know what you think of the new design. Thanks!


  1. I'm loving the personal branding on your blog. I Google everything! It's so much easier than reading a book or doing a tutorial. It's cute that you use the same font as Disney.

  2. Thanks Nicole! If you don't know how to do something, Google and YouTube can be your very best friends.

  3. You did great! And you're making me think I need to reconsider and choose white. I love how crisp it is on your blog.

  4. It is fabulous, well done girl. I LOVE it.

  5. love the new header! think of all the things you will be able to do after you finish the classes!

  6. Congratulations! The banner is looking awesome!

  7. I Love the new Design!!! Rockstar job my Friend!!! =)

  8. Love the new look! Can't wait for you to take the classes and teach me something!

  9. Scott calls Google, "Dr. Google". He can fix all =D
